Heat exchangers

A heat exchanger is a device used to transfer heat between a solid object and a flui or between two or more fluids. The fluids may be separated by a solid wall to prevent mixing or they may be in direct contact. They are widely used in space heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, power stations, chemical plants, . It is the most common type of heat exchanger in oil refineries and other large chemical processes, and is suited for higher-pressure applications.

As its name implies, this type of heat exchanger consists of a shell (a large pressure vessel) with a bundle of . An easy-to-understand introduction to how a heat exchanger passes heat energy from one fluid (liquid or gas) to another.

Their compact stainless steel construction makes them an . Which industry specific Heat. Turbulent flow at low velocity produces high heat transfer efficiency and low fouling. The fluids can be single or two phase an depending on the exchanger type, may be separated or in direct contact. Plate exchangers conserve . Devices involving energy sources such as nuclear fuel pins or fired heaters are not normally regarded as heat exchangers. Warmtewisselaars op maat gemaakt voor warmteterugwinning.

Een industriële warmtewisselaar biedt een voordelige oplossing voor het hergebruiken van restwarmte of overdragen van warmte in productieprocessen. Geurts is specialist in het ontwerpen en produceren van deze apparaten.

Customers looking for a single coil or a million, custom- designed coils, look to Modine. Our knowledge of tube pitch, placement and material construction, fin size, range, surface and material construction deliver precise and predictable performance. For OEM, replacement or retrofit customers , Modine . Alfa Laval welded plate-and-frame heat exchangers provide efficient heat transfer with compact footprint, for demanding process applications. They are designed for high pressure and high temperature, providing security when dealing with dangerous fluids.

The heat exchangers are used in a wide range of cooling, heating, . Wij adviseren u graag met het maken van de juiste keuze? TCC Heat Exchangers adviseert, calculeert en levert de door u gewenste warmtewisselaar op maat. Welded plate-and-shell heat exchangers. The Alfa Laval portfolio of welded plate -and-shell heat exchangers offer ultimate robustness for challenging high pressure process duties.

The units deliver efficient heat transfer with a . View the video to learn more. Heat exchangers are at the heart of all process plants for heating, cooling, pasteurizing or UHT heating. GEA is established internationally as a specialist for technically and economically optimized process technology and a competent partner for efficient heat exchanger systems for the treatment of beverages. Welcome to the experts in heat exchange ! From us, you can expect products with outstanding levels of efficiency, safety, and sustainability. Copper brazed plate heat exchangers provide efficient heat transfer with a small footprint.

They are maintenance free, provide a long service lifetime and can withstand high temperatures and extremely high design pressures. They are used in a range of duties including cooling, heating, evaporation and condensing.

Heat exchanger technologies include plate-fin heat exchangers , oil cooler flat tube heat exchangers , and tube-fin heat exchangers. Our heat exchangers are used in many industries including military and .


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